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May Messeage from Tom

Published on 5/1/2016
    Greetings from Reno, Nevada! 
As you read this, I am attending our 2016 Friendship Force Leadership Conference with all of our friends of our Western US Region. I am presenting to them a seminar on Websites and learning from them about attracting and nurturing our club’s members. As I write this, some of our club’s members are enjoying our exciting 2016 Domestic Outbound Exchange led by Carol Babbitt to Austin, Texas. We wish them well and hope they are having a great time and look forward to hearing all about it in a future general meeting program.
At our May general meeting program, we will all get to learn about Belgium and Germany’s Black Forest regions, where some of our members (led by Gin Meyers) will be enjoying our club’s 2016 International Outbound Exchange in June.
If you need merchandise from our club store for that or either of our Fall Inbound Exchanges, I suggest that your purchase them at this meeting before the store closes during our Summer Breaks. Also don’t forget to bring your check books to this meeting to bid on items in our Silent Auction (or 50/50 money raffle) “Fun”-draisers! I earnestly implore you to also donate an auction item! (No donation is too small, as long as it is fun). When you donate an auction item, please bring a paper that includes the item description and a reasonable minimum starting bid.
Last month, your board authorized our 2016 donations to both the FFI Legacy Fund as well as their Website/Database upgrade campaign and also to our dear San Diego Zoo for their 100th anniversary. Also last month, Roger Walsh and Carol Tatum presented the options that they’ve been working so hard on to secure an Outbound International Exchange for our club in 2017. Read about those Survey Results in the following pages. Finally, congratulations to Gin Meyers for her Banana Bread winning our Appetizer Award last month. I look forward to enjoying your appetizers and bidding on your donations later this month!